Evergreen’s cost-saving innovations deliver financial peace-of-mind in retirement
With advances in modern medicine, today’s retirees can now look forward to living as many as 30 years past the point at which they stop working. And while this sounds like good news, the sad reality is that living longer often leads to stress and anxiety, with many seniors fearing that they may outlive their retirement savings. For those retiring on modest pensions with limited disposable income, the prospect of unexpected, escalating expenses in later years can be especially daunting, casting a shadow over what should be a fulfilling chapter of their lives.
At Evergreen Lifestyle, we understand these pressures, which is why we have refined our Partnership for Life promise and developed a suite of cost-effective retirement solutions that support an enjoyable, stress-free retirement lifestyle. These include:
- Reduced Upfront Costs – with no transfer duty, VAT, registration fees or capital gains tax payable on an Evergreen Life Right.
- Affordable, Transparent Levies – calculated and communicated up to two years in advance, allowing for greater financial predictability.
- No Special Levies – as the developer retains ownership of the property and is responsible for its maintenance and upkeep.
- Cost Transparency – from the outset, residents know what their capital return, sales commission, and refurbishment costs will be, so there’s no guesswork and no surprises on termination of their Life Right
- Fit-for-Purpose Homes – that deliver comfort, convenience, and cost efficiency while reducing utility costs through energy-saving appliances and lighting.
- Flexible Pricing – which offers up to 20% off the purchase price with a corresponding adjustment to the capital returned on termination of the Life Right.
- Fixed Levies for Life – Exclusive to Evergreen Sitari, this game-changing initiative gives residents the assurance that the levy they pay when they move in, is the same amount they’ll pay as long as they remain in the village. With no annual increases, inflation-linked adjustments, or special levies, they can budget confidently for the future and enjoy meaningful savings over time.
Additional initiatives like Buy-to-Let, Rent-to-Own, Try Before you Buy and Move-in-Tomorrow further ease the transition into retirement living.
At Evergreen Lifestyle, we are committed to making retirement both affordable and accessible, empowering residents with financial clarity and peace-of-mind.
To learn more about Evergreen’s cost-saving innovations, please download our latest e-book, Money Matters.