
Smart ways to connect with your tech-savvy grandkids


Kids love technology. And, while there are certain tricky aspects to navigate, like how to make sure they use it safely and how much screen time is enough, it can also be a wonderful way to connect with your grandchildren. Here are five things to try.

Stay in touch

Thanks to technology such as Skype, FaceTime and the like, it’s possible to be part of your grandchildren’s lives whether you live around the corner or across the world. Watch them take their first uncertain steps, hear them singing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, read them a bedtime story, wish them luck for their first day of play school, big school and high school – the list goes on.

Do a project together

Pinterest is a virtual treasure trove of craft and cooking ideas for kids of all ages. And you’re guaranteed to find enough projects to keep even the busiest ones entertained for hours. So, go online a day or two before their next visit and find out how to make everything from dinosaur fossils, paper plate unicorns and galaxy slime to the coolest science experiments and rainbow piñata cupcakes. They’ll love you for it!

Understand their world

Does your knowledge of the Disney Princesses start and end at Cinderella? Never heard of Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez or the Kardashians? Google is your gateway to understanding everything your grandkids love most in the world – and to connecting with them in a meaningful way. It’s also a wonderful way for you to share your world with them – your favourite music, the countries you’ve visited, the house you grew up in.

Email them

Once your grandkids are old enough to have their own inbox, send them an email once in a while. It’s the modern-day equivalent of snail mail and it’s as exciting for them as receiving a letter in the post used to be in years gone by. Plus, you can add a funny video clip, a picture of cuddly kittens or a link to their favourite song to up the entertainment value.

Have fun and games

There are hundreds of thousands of games available to play online. Just remember to check with your grandchildren’s parents first – it’s important that you stick to their screen rules and support them as they navigate the complexities of parenting the ‘always on’ generation. If you’re not sure whether a game is age appropriate, visit commonsensemedia.org to find out what their reviewers have to say. This website is also an excellent resource for movie reviews and ratings.